Welcome ¡Bienvenidos!

Hola Hola.

If we haven’t met already I am LeShawnda Fitzgerald (my students call me Maestra) creator and founder of Ready For Spanish. I’ve been teaching Spanish to students from all over the world for a little over 10 years. I know that students learn Spanish easily when it is taught in a way that is simple and meaningful. I also know that students like to see measurable results as they learn.

Before I jump in too deep here is a brief into of how Online Spanish Challenge got started.

About 8 years ago I founded Ready For Spanish (www.readyforspanish.com) a Spanish immersion program for children in Nashville, TN. Our program was so successful and the children were speaking so much Spanish it was only natural that their parents wanted to learn as well.

So I developed an adult program but of course adults learn a lot differently than children. This does not mean that adults can not be successful at learning Spanish nor does it have to take a long time or be a daunting, tedious process.

Contrary to popular belief Adults can learn Spanish easily and quickly!

First I challenged myself. I wanted to see just how easily and just how quickly I could teach adults Spanish. The fastest I’ve seen is about 3 months from beginner to advanced fluency. That did take quite a bit of dedication, commitment and definitely daily study and practice.

Online Spanish Challenge consists of simple yet intense step by step Spanish challenges to help the busiest adults learn Spanish quickly. Think of a Spanish learning bootcamp.

I’m so glad you’re here. ¡Bienvenidos! Make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes and take a look around. Be sure to check out our FREE lessons, tips and tools to help you take your Spanish learning to the next level easily and quickly.

Hasta Pronto & I look forward to meeting you if we haven’t met already.

LeShawnda (Maestra)


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